Knowledge Base > Deb Kennedy, PhD - Culinary Medicine: A Focus on Grains

Culinary Medicine: A Focus on Grains

Deb Kennedy, PhD - Culinary Medicine: A Focus on Grains

This event was on Thursday, October 03, 2024 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern

Join Dr. Deb for this engaging session where she takes whole grains from the clinic to your plate. She delves into culinary medicine with a focus on the vital role whole grains play … Read More.



Can you talk about gluten and liver detox and grains?

— Mirna Morales


So what Mirna is bringing up is the fact that those that have celiac disease tend to have elevated liver enzymes and they do, they're not a hundred percent sure why the liver enzymes are raised if it's a direct result of um, consuming gluten before it's been treated. But what they do find is that those that have celiac disease and come off the gluten, the liver enzymes tend to come down. The other thing that is happening, and again, they don't know why this is that um, with individuals with celiac disease, they're three times as high. Uh, they have a three time the prevalence rate of having non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. So a fat just stays in the liver and it's not healthy. What, where we usually see that is with people drinking a lot of, um, soda. Anything with high fructose corn syrup 'cause fructose gets into the liver and if you drink a lot of it, it kind of just stays there and it turns into fat and you get a fatty liver with celiac. Um, hopefully over time the fatty liver will decrease. But I would also say like really make sure that you're not consuming a lot of high fructose, um, foods, including agave is very high in fructose. So make sure of that. So a liver detox, I think the detox, it really depends how aggravated and sensitive your liver is. I would say like really stopping with the grains, uh, the gluten grains and see where you are then. And then I would, I would start to do maybe some juicing, some smoothies that contain the fiber to just give, just to really nourish your whole body.
Deb Kennedy, PhD

Deb Kennedy, PhD

PhD Nutritionist